JApan: Govt. approves Trump visit from Nov. 5th

The Cabinet approved the plan on Tuesday. The visit will be Trump's first since taking office.

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US President Donald Trump will join summit talks — and a game of golf — with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he arrives in Japan for a 3-day visit from November 5th.

The Cabinet approved the plan on Tuesday. The visit will be Trump’s first since taking office.

He is likely to meet families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea, and Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.

Trump and Abe will head to a golf course on day one of the visit. They will likely be joined by the world’s 4th ranked golfer Hideki Matsuyama.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the visit comes as the security environment becomes increasingly severe in a region that includes North Korea.

Suga said it offers a great opportunity for the 2 leaders to discuss global issues and demonstrate the strong bilateral alliance to the world.

He dismissed concerns that it’s not appropriate to play golf amid the tense situation over North Korea.

Suga said it is very important for the 2 leaders to deepen their friendship, while making sure crisis management is fully enforced.

Source and image: NHK
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