Japan: Smartphone site gives advice on missile evacuation

Japan's government has set up a website for smartphone users to tell them how to protect themselves if North Korean missiles are heading towards the country.

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Officials have been preparing for the possibility of North Korean missiles striking Japan. The government is maintaining a high level of vigilance and is conducting evacuation drills with local authorities.

An official of the Cabinet Secretariat, Atsushi Odani, says a ballistic missile is expected to reach Japan very quickly after launch.

Odani says that when the government determines that a missile could hit Japan, it will inform the public through the J-ALERT nationwide emergency warning system.

He advises that people who are outdoors should flee to solid buildings, underground malls or stations.

He says if no such places are nearby, they should take cover or lie on the ground and protect their head.

Odani says people who are indoors should stay away from windows or move to windowless rooms.

The government will promote the advice through the Twitter account of the Prime Minister’s Office and TV commercials.

Source and image: NHK
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