For those who don’t have a credit card or for those who already had, there are some reasons to Rakuten Credit Card be the most used card in Japan.
Reason 1
Annual fee free
Reason 2
Choose Master, VISA or JCB brand!
Reason 3
Receive 5,000 points by application (equal 5,000 yen to shop with the card)
The shopping at Rakuten Ichiba (Virtual Shop) will be cheaper than as usual, lot of bargains only for customers of Rakuten Credit Card.
There are no reason to DO NOT apply!
2 points to increase the chances to pass the verification…
- fill the name and address exactly like the residence card
- when fill your earn, increase the amount a little
- Almost of customers who could not pass the approval do not fill the right Rakuten password that they got before.
Please filling below Application FORM
Rules to apply here
Details about 5,000 points present here
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