Trump meets with the Emperor and Empress

On the second day of his first visit to Japan, US President Donald Trump met with the Emperor and Empress.

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Trump was greeted by the Imperial Couple at the entrance of the palace in the center of Tokyo.

Trump’s next stop will be to receive an honor guard at the State Guest House where he will have talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Abe said, “I’d like to thoroughly discuss with President Trump North Korea and other problems the international community faces. And I want to send a message to the world that the Japan-US alliance is unwavering.”

Trump started his day by meeting with Japanese and American business leaders and gave an address.
He criticized Japan for its trade practices.

Trump said, “We want fair and open trade. But right now our trade with Japan is not fair and it’s not open. But I know it will be soon. We want free reciprocal trade, but right now trade with Japan is not free, and it’s not reciprocal. And I know it will be.”

Later on Monday, Trump will meet with the families of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea.

The abduction issue is something Japan wants to resolve along with the nuclear threat. Trump and Abe will then hold a joint news conference.

Source and image: NHK
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