Japan: Emperor, Empress welcome Duterte

Japan's Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko have welcomed Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in Tokyo.

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The couple said they were happy to see Duterte at the Imperial Palace on Tuesday.

The Emperor referred to his visit to a war memorial in the Philippines last year. He expressed grief that many Philippine people were killed in World War Two.

Duterte said the 2 countries developed a wonderful relationship by overcoming the past. He said he’s grateful for Japan’s help in many fields since the war.

The Imperial couple expressed thanks for assistance from the Philippines after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
After the 25-minute meeting, the couple walked Duterte out. He left Japan later in the day.

A meeting between the couple and Duterte had been scheduled for last October but was cancelled after the Emperor’s uncle died that morning.

Source and image: NHK
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