Dismembered body parts found in apartment

Tokyo police found body parts of 9 people.

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Tokyo police have arrested a man in his 20s after discovering dismembered body parts of 9 people in his apartment.

Investigators from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department searched the apartment in Zama City, near Tokyo on Monday. They were investigating the disappearance of a 23-year-old woman from Hachioji City, in the suburbs of Tokyo.

The investigators say the woman was reported missing on Tuesday last week.

During the search on Monday, police found a cooler box containing the dismembered body parts of 2 people.

Later, they found the remains of 7 other people in his apartment.

The Tokyo police say the missing woman had earlier posted a message on an internet bulletin board saying that she was looking for someone to join her in committing suicide.

Police believe the suspect contacted the woman via the internet message.

Security camera footage also shows the two walking together on Monday last week at Hachioji station, and at another station near the man’s apartment.

Source and image: NHK
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