Japanese Foreign Minister to visit Manila on South China Sea dispute

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida will begin a visit to the Philippines on August 10th. He wants to discuss with the country’s new president, Rodrigo Duterte, ways to cope with China’s claims in the South China Sea.Officials in both countries are arranging the first meeting between Kishida and Duterte. It has been decided that Kishida will meet his counterpart, Perfecto Yasay. During the meetings with leaders in the Philippines, sources say Kishida will convey Japan’s stance that the dispute in the South China Sea should be resolved peacefully between parties involved based on international law. And he expects to confirm that the 2 countries will cooperate on the maritime issues.Kishida also wants to exchange views with the Philippine side on ways to improve the country’s maritime policing capability.A tribunal in The Hague rejected China’s claims to most parts of the sea. But Beijing has not accepted the ruling. The case...

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