Tax-free stores in Tokyo are trying to attract individual Chinese travelers visiting Japan during their National Day holiday period, which started on Sunday.
Many Chinese people travel abroad during the holiday that celebrates their country’s founding. A tax-free store in the fashionable Ginza district remodeled its ground floor on a main street last fall.

The store used to sell electric appliances and luxury watches on the floor, but now it offers popular items such as cosmetics and beauty-related electronic goods.
Store officials say sets of Japanese cosmetics are very popular, and that they offer a large selection.
A Chinese traveler in her forties says she bought many sets because she was told that Japanese cosmetics are superior.
The number of Chinese who travel to Japan on their own rather than in tour groups has been on the rise, partly due to a relaxation of visa requirements. Those who visit Japan repeatedly are also increasing.
The store has been trying to attract individual travelers by issuing discount coupons for those who use websites that introduce restaurants or use electronic payments.
The Ginza store manager of electronics retailer Laox says more individual travelers are checking on discount coupons before coming to Japan.
He says the store held a sales campaign targeting these travelers, hoping many would visit the store during the holiday period.
Source and image: NHK
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