Duterte likens himself to Hitler

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte courted controversy again on Friday, pledging to “slaughter” more addicts in his war on drugs. He likened himself to Adolf Hitler, and his policy to the Holocaust. Duterte said “if Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have…” and then indicated to himself. He said there are three million drug addicts in the Philippines and that he would be happy to slaughter them. He added he’d like to finish the problem and “save the next generation from perdition”. (Image: Reproduction/NHK) Police have killed at least 1,200 suspects since he took office in June. More than 700,000 people have surrendered. The number of drug users has reportedly dropped significantly and many Filipinos support the president’s aggressive policy. But his latest comparison caused an outcry. Hundreds of students gathered in Manila on Friday calling on the government to follow due process and defend human rights. Source and image: NHK...

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte courted controversy again on Friday, pledging to “slaughter” more addicts in his war on drugs. He likened himself to Adolf Hitler, and his policy to the Holocaust.

Duterte said “if Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have…” and then indicated to himself. He said there are three million drug addicts in the Philippines and that he would be happy to slaughter them. He added he’d like to finish the problem and “save the next generation from perdition”.

(Image: Reproduction/NHK)

Police have killed at least 1,200 suspects since he took office in June. More than 700,000 people have surrendered. The number of drug users has reportedly dropped significantly and many Filipinos support the president’s aggressive policy.

But his latest comparison caused an outcry. Hundreds of students gathered in Manila on Friday calling on the government to follow due process and defend human rights.

Source and image: NHK
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