Man arrested for ‘jailbreaking’ iPhones in Japan

Japanese police have arrested a hacker for illegally removing software restrictions on Apple’s iPhones and selling the devices. Daisuke Ikeda, who is 24 and from Toyama City, is suspected of what’s called “jailbreaking” and infringing Apple’s intellectual property rights. (Image: Reproduction/NHK) Police say Ikeda removed software restrictions imposed by iOS, iPhone’s operating system, and sold five such devices on an online auction site around April. They say the suspect has admitted the allegation. Users of jailbroken iPhones can download any applications including games unapproved by Apple. The hacked phones are reportedly more vulnerable to computer viruses. The police say Ikeda sold more than 200 jailbroken iPhones online in a single year, earning five million yen, or about 50,000 dollars. Source and image: NHK Share this:TweetEmail

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