Japan to increase staff for missile alerts

The Japanese government plans to increase the number of staff at nationwide emergency alert systems in response to North Korea’s recent launches of ballistic missiles.The J-ALERT and Em-Net systems are used to inform people of a missile launch and give an estimate of where it will fall. In February, North Korea launched a rocket in what is believed to be a test of a long-range ballistic missile. The Japanese government has confirmed that the North has fired 8 ballistic missiles since then.A medium-range missile launched on August 3rd is estimated to have fallen in Japan’s exclusive economic zone in the Sea of Japan.Government officials say they failed to detect signs of launches multiple times this year, including the August 3rd launch.The government ordered the Self-Defense Forces to shoot down any incoming missile on August 8th, and plans to renew the order every 3 months. Source and image: NHK Share this:TweetEmail

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